If you have ever used any Unix/Linux based systems you know that windows does not even come close to providing as reliable service management as its counterparts. I have been burnt by the stuck services issue so many times that it was natural for me to look for alternate mechanisms.
VB script is a scripting language developed by Microsoft and is a limited variation of Visual Basic programming language. To me its a much better and more powerful alternative to Batch Scripting.
Being new to VBScript i had to spend some time initially to grasp the basics but when i did it was quite easy. Here is a simple VBscript to manage windows services. You just need to modify the number of services to manage and their names and the script lets you bulk start/stop, check status and individually control each service. Thankfully since i have used this script i have not experienced the stuck services issue and i am strongly inclined to believe that most services start/stop issues may be caused by bugs in the GUI based Windows Services Manager (this is just speculation and i have no conclusive evidence to prove it).
Execute the following from your command prompt to run this script:
cscript [path to script]
The script:
dim input
dim strComputer
dim svrList
rem Main Body
input = 0
input = getInput()
loop until input=5
rem Supporting Functions
function processInput(input)
if input = "5" then
strComputer = "."
' Modify this array size to add or remove services. The length of this array should be
' exactly same as the number of services.
' Note: If you want to initialize this array to hold 4 services, set its size to 3. The array
' like most has a zero based index i.e. 0 to 3.
dim myservices(3)
' specify the actual service names here
'get service object
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
'debug statement
'wscript.echo cstr(ubound(myservices))
k = 0
svrList = ""
for each service in myservices
svrList = svrList & "Name='" & service & "'"
' do not end the services string with an 'or' this causes the query to fail
if k < ubound(myservices) then
svrList = svrList & " or "
end if
k = k+1
'debug statement
'wscript.echo svrList
Set colServiceList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service where " & svrList)
' debug statement
'for each s in colServiceList
' WScript.Echo s.name
select case input
case "1"
case "2"
case "3"
case "4"
case else
Wscript.echo "Invalid Input!"
end select
end if
end function
rem Quit Script
function s_quit()
WScript.Echo "bye!"
end function
rem Fetch script option
function getInput()
WScript.echo "Select one of the options below:"
WScript.echo "1 - Staggard Start"
WScript.echo "2 - Start services"
WScript.echo "3 - Stop service"
WScript.echo "4 - Service status"
WScript.echo "5 - Exit"
getInput = textInput("Input = > ")
end function
rem Fetch user input
function textInput(prompt)
WScript.StdOut.Write prompt
textInput = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
rem WScript.StdOut.WriteLine username
end function
rem Staggard Start services
function staggard_start(serviceObjs)
WScript.Echo "staggard start :: 1 - start; 2 - stop; 3 - ignore; q - quit"
flag = "0"
For each serviceObj in serviceObjs
flag = textInput(serviceObj.name & " -> ")
select case flag
case "1"
errReturn = serviceObj.StartService()
'WScript.Echo errReturn
WScript.Sleep 15000
if errReturn=0 then
WScript.Echo " ...started service"
WScript.Echo " ...failed to start service/running already"
end if
case "2"
errReturn = serviceObj.StopService()
'WScript.Echo errReturn
WScript.Sleep 15000
if errReturn=0 then
WScript.Echo " ...stopped service"
WScript.Echo " ...failed to stop/not-running service"
end if
case "q"
exit do
case else
WScript.Echo " ...ignored"
end select
end function
rem Start services
function startSrv(serviceObjs)
dim tempObj
WScript.Echo "starting services ..."
For each serviceObj in serviceObjs
errReturn = serviceObj.StartService()
'WScript.Echo errReturn
WScript.Sleep 15000
if errReturn=0 then
WScript.Echo "started service - " & serviceObj.name
WScript.Echo "failed to start/running already service - " & serviceObj.name
end if
end function
rem Stop services
function stopSrv(serviceObjs)
WScript.Echo "stopping services ..."
For each serviceObj in serviceObjs
errReturn = serviceObj.StopService()
'WScript.Echo errReturn
WScript.Sleep 15000
if errReturn=0 then
WScript.Echo "stopped service - " & serviceObj.name
WScript.Echo "failed to stop/not-running service - " & serviceObj.name
end if
end function
rem Service status
function statusSrv(serviceObjs)
WScript.Echo "Service Status"
For each serviceObj in serviceObjs
WScript.Echo "Name: " & serviceObj.name
WScript.Echo "State:" & serviceObj.State
end function
Hope this script helps you alleviate some of your windows services woes.
Disclaimer: I am not a VBScript developer. If you find any bad coding practices please do let me know and i will be more than happy to fix my script. Also the exception handling could be done in a much better fashion.
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